Open-Source Modules
These open-source modules can be used to assemble your own GTFS media server. Our system uses the Drupal content management system to handle manage and render transit data. The modules below connect its robust framework to the GTFS spec.
The core module handles the management of GTFS objects as full-fledged entities, not just rows in a text file.
They can be extended with new fields and given unique URLs. Build your own pages for every route and stop in your transit system.
Use this module to import an existing GTFS feed and keep pages synced across service definitions.
GTFS Realtime
Download GTFS realtime information to your website at set intervals, making it available for live displays and other applications.
GTFS Schedule Endpoint
Pre-process transit schedule data and expose it to clients to make tabular schedules.
GTFS Schedule
Render schedules using only GTFS data.
GTFS 511
Connect with the Bay Area's 511 service to download GTFS and GTFS realtime data.